The only reason I'm doing a website review on QuiBids is because I see that their Ads are showing up on my website (I actually do use most of the Ads that appear on these pages). I want the readers to know that I DO NOT use QuiBids, but I know there are people out there who do. I aslo HIGHLY DON'T RECOMMEND THEM to college students, as you will most likely spend money and get nothing. I feel that people should be informed on what type a site QuiBids is.
First things first, QuiBids is a legitimate website. They actually do "sell" items for cheap prices in a bidding system. The tricky part is how you are able to bid on an item. Items generally start out at 1 cent and go up in increments of 1 cent, 5 cents, 10 cents, etc. as people bid on them. It costs money to place a bid, generally between 25 cents and a dollar depending on the bid package that you purchase. Each time a bid is placed the timer for the auction resets, so the only way to win is if everyone else stops bidding.
The key part of this is that it costs money to bid on the item, money that will need to be paid even if you lose. This leaves lots of people who have paid without an item and one lucky person with a fairly cheap item. Treat sites like this like the lottery, very few winners and lots of losers.
TLDR: F, I don't recommend these sites, treat them as if they were a lottery.